As a car owner, you are expected to know about your vehicle's various components. For most people, knowledge about vehicle components usually comes in the form of external parts easily visible to the eye. But have you ever thought about what really gets your car going? The answer to this question is simple; the engine.
Your car's engine is made up of several parts, from the spark plugs to the cylinders and other components. The oil pan gasket is precisely what seals and bolts your oil pan into place. For your engine to operate smoothly, it must have the capacity to retain sufficient amounts of oil and spread it to its various components. The oil pan gasket collaborates with your oil plan to ensure that your engine retains adequate motor oil to keep it lubricated.
If you have used any form of gasket in the past, you must know that their task is to seal and cushion. That is precisely what an oil pan gasket does. It prevents motor oil from spilling out onto other parts.
Not just any gasket can go with your oil pan. For instance, if your vehicle utilizes an aluminum oil pan, you should pair it with a silicone gasket. On the other hand, if your oil pan is made of stainless steel, a rubber gasket will be a perfect match. You, however, must ensure that the chosen rubber is strong enough to support the metal.
Like any other component in your car, an oil pan gasket can wear out with time, generating problems with the plan and the oil. Most car owners lack the knowledge needed to identify a worn-out oil pan gasket. This ignorance often culminates in a serious problem that could damage your engine. This will end up costing you a fortune.
The most effective indicator of a faulty oil pan gasket constitutes an unprecedented drop in your oil level and the presence of tiny little cracks on your rubber. If such a situation happens to your car and you need oil pan gasket repair, visit our auto repair shop today!